Organizational Strategies


The Role of the Teacher:

Ø      to have all equipment (balls, cones, racquets, shuttles, nets, poles) out and accessible for the students to use and put away

Ø      to have all the equipment contained in buckets, hoops or some kind of device to prevent having equipment all over the gym

Ø      to have enough equipment out and ready to save time when the students need to use it

Ø      to instruct the students to use the entire space allotted to them

Ø      to spread the students out with their lesson through the space of the gym for safety reasons and to allow the student the room to play

Ø      to have a lesson plan ready that will fill the entire time of the lesson and include all the students


The Role of the Students:

Ø     to help set up and take down the equipment when the teacher instructs it

Ø     to keep the equipment contained in the buckets or hoops to prevent the equipment from spreading all over the gym

Ø     to spread out throughout the entire gym to make the best use of space

Ø     to not invade other people’s space while they are playing